Alimony Pendente Lite

Alimony Pendente Lite Information in Cranberry Township, PA

Alimony Pendente Lite or APL is support paid to a financially dependent spouse during the litigation. APL may be payable until the divorce decree is entered and equitable distribution has been resolved by the parties or through court action. APL is there to allow both spouses to support themselves and hire an attorney while the divorce action is pending. APL is awarded in an attempt to put both parties on equal footing, therefore, even if the spouse seeking APL has committed adultery or one of the other grounds for a fault based divorce, they may be entitled to Alimony Pendente Lite.

If you find yourself in a situation in which you are contemplating a divorce and think you or your spouse may file a claim for APL you should contact an attorney to discuss your options, as they can help guide you through the process.

If you have additional questions or would like to set up an initial consultation at the Myers Law Group, LLC, call 724-778-8800 or email
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